Relieve Your Lower Back Pain In Just Eight Simple Moves?

Yes, it’s possible!

Let us introduce you to the My Back Pain Program system….




The experts at My Back Pain Program have shown thousands of men and women around the world how to help relieve their lower back pain in about 20 minutes, safely, effectively, and naturally and without the need for:

  • Chiropractors
  • Medication
  • Expensive equipment
  • Physical or Massage therapy
  • Yoga
  • Acupuncture
  • Trigger point therapy

Most people at some point in their lives have experienced lower back pain. If you’re one of the millions who suffers from lower back pain, we’re sure you know that living with lower back pain or sciatica not only reduces the quality of your life, but it can also affect your mental health and everything you do.

Does this sound like you, a loved one, or someone you know?

Did you know that there’s a better way to treat your lower back pain and sciatica?

My Back Pain Program is a tool that’s been proven to provide safe, effective, and natural relief by performing eight simple movements, in a specific order, in the comfort of your home, or anywhere.

Let us ask you a few questions:

Are you stuck in a cycle of having only temporary or no back pain relief?

Are you ready to feel better and become empowered by a scientifically proven safe, effective, and natural long term system?

My Back Pain Program is a tool to be used repeatedly, it is THE long-term solution to help ease or eliminate lower back and sciatica pain.

Bojan Mladenovic, the founder of My Back Pain Program, created his eight simple movement program after experiencing a life altering injury that left him on the floor in agony while in college and left him helpless after trying every type of remedy short of surgery with no relief wondering if he’d ever be able to pursue his career or live life without suffering endless pain from severe damage caused to his L4 and L5, resulting in long term severe lower back and sciatic pain.

Does this sound like you?

Would you like to join the thousands of men, women, and young adults who are not only RELIEVING their back pain in the safe space and comfort of their own home (or anywhere) and experiencing relief for the first time in years, but are feeling renewed, strong and physically and mentally restored while regaining their life, energy and independence?

Our My Back Pain Program doesn’t involve any type of medications, doctor appointments, expensive therapy or equipment, yoga, Pilates, acupuncture, chiropractic work or surgery and can be performed in the comfort of your own home, or anywhere in the world.

Everyday routine activities we take for granted and cannot function without can cause Muscular Imbalance such as:

  • Incorrect movement patterns
  • Sitting
  • Standing and getting up
  • Too much spinal flexion
  • Getting out of bed
  • Stretching too soon in the morning
  • Brushing your teeth
  • Getting in and out of a car

What Happens When We Experience Muscular Imbalance (MI)?

MI Exacerbates the affected area which causes more dysfunction

  • Puts compression on the discs and the nerves
  • Prevents recovery and causes micro trauma.

Muscular Imbalance puts unnecessary stress on the joints and more importantly, our lower back. The anterior muscle group is stronger, while the posterior chain is weaker. This can cause herniated discs, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, spinal stenosis and more.

After treating thousands of clients over several years, we found that almost 100% were totally disconnected with their lower back and DEEP CORE! We use our back to perform everyday activities when we should be using our core.

While minor lower back pain may be temporary, if it lasts more than three months, it can be considered chronic lower back pain.

How do we repair this?

The muscles need to be reprogrammed by sending impulses to the injured and unactive muscles to reset pain.

My Back Pain Program gently works and helps the muscles that play a crucial role in maintaining the normal curvature of your spinal column activate. When our hamstrings, which are located at the back of your thighs, and hip flexors are tight and not in balance, lower back pain may occur.

Temporary methods to help lower back pain not only cause us to lose precious time away from work and family, but they can also be extremely expensive and rarely, if ever, successful at truly treating the root cause and if they do provide relief, the relief usually only lasts a short amount of time.

Is there a less risky way to get relief from lower back pain than shots, medication, surgery and more? YES!

My Back Pain Program is the natural and safe long-term solution.

Let’s stop right here for a moment…

In that very moment, when Bojan was on the floor and his mind was playing with him, his brain was telling him that he should give up right now because he tried every possible remedy to help him relieve his back pain short of surgery and nothing came close to easing his pain.

His mind gave him the perfect excuse to quit and just live with the pain, possibly forever.

After every type of treatment was attempted, Bojan’s mother and doctor spoke quietly outside his room, thinking he could not hear them. They were preparing him for surgery and decided that he would have to retire before he even began his athletic, professional and sports training career.

Hearing this heartbreaking news brought him right back to 10 years prior when he heard the same exact conversation between his mom and doctors in the room next door where he lay in isolation, but for different reasons.

Now, 10 years before his back injury, at just 14 years old, Bojan almost didn’t survive due to a life-threatening injury, he had a 5-inch knife lodged in his abdomen! There he was, lying in a coma for three days when miraculously, he regained consciousness at the exact moment his mother, the hospital doctors and surgeons discussed how his athletic career and future were over, finished, before it even began. This was unthinkable, Bojan felt there must be a better way!

His quest to find a safe, natural, and effective relief system is deeply rooted in years of testing, scientific research, and expert knowledge of what causes back pain. My Back Pain Program has helped thousands of individuals all over the world for the past 15 years. 

My Back Pain Program is 100% committed to helping the millions of people who suffer from lower back pain and experience relief they haven’t felt in years.

My Back Pain Program will help you develop your mind-body connection, build your core, and improve your shoulders, legs and hips, so you can feel renewed, revitalized, amazing, and take back control of your life!

Chances are you’ve experienced sciatica and have spent a lot of money on one or more of these treatments, unsuccessfully:

  • Cortisone shots
  • Epidural
  • Medication management
  • Physical Therapy
  • Surgery
  • Chiropractic treatment
  • Massage Therapy
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Trigger Point Therapy

To understand how My Back Pain Program works, we must revisit the main cause of back pain, Muscular Imbalance. We cannot stress enough that Muscular Imbalance means that one side of your body is working and exerting itself harder than the other resulting in one side getting stronger, while the other side becomes significantly weaker.

Let’s stop here again…

Right before his life-threatening injury, Bojan was selected as the most valuable soccer player in a generation in his hometown and entire surrounding area. He was scouted by the biggest soccer club in all of Serbia and selected to be on their team at just 14 years old! He was so excited and shared the news with his family.

But back to our story…

His injury was so severe, he fell into a coma and at the exact moment, his mother and hospital doctors were discussing how he’d never be able to play soccer, train again, perform any athletic activity, and would never be 100% again, Bojan awoke from his coma!

When he heard his life being decided for him, his mind told him that was nothing more than an opinion and he refused to accept that outcome and the fate that was decided for him. Again.

You see, he LOVED soccer so much that he vowed in that moment to himself that would play the game again and do whatever it took to recover.

It took two entire years for him to slowly build up his mind, body and strength, yet he persisted until he was once again playing his beloved soccer!

What he didn’t know in that moment is that he not only brought himself back to being able to move and play sports, but he was also building his CORE and realized that he had severe MUSCULAR IMBALANCE, and this is HOW WE CONNECT this story to 10 years later when his back and sciatica injury occurred.

How miraculous is that he heard once again from a hospital bed that he was done, finished, before he even began, that he would not recover and would experience back pain forever.

His back injury was DIRECTLY LINKED to his accident 10 years prior!!!

Once he figured out and understood the connection between the two injuries and formed the movements that relieved his back and sciatica pain during the second injury, he knew it was his DESTINY to experience, survive and recover from these two life altering injuries so he could give the world MY BACK PAIN PROGRAM and help as many people as possible to feel better, regain their strength and control of their lives and to NEVER GIVE UP.

Bojan, once a victim of severe lower back pain with nowhere to turn to after attempting every type of medication and therapy prescribed to him short of surgery, did not know how he would go on living with the pain while managing his young life.

During those years after experiencing life-long debilitating back pain from his own injury, he worked on perfecting a unique sequence of movements focused on providing true and lasting lower back pain relief.

His discoveries were so remarkable that they won a “golden seal of approval” when Bojan presented them to the faculty at his university. Today, his knowledge of body mechanics is in the top 2% worldwide.

Shortly after, Bojan graduated at the top of his class from the University of Belgrade with a master’s degree in Exercise Science and obtained his UEFA B License (Union of European Football Associations).

Upon graduation, he was asked to join the University faculty as an assistant sports science professor. He has coached and built champion athletes, has trained actors and individuals all over the world, and has taught them the eight simple moments from My Back Pain Program so they too can experience relief and life back pain free, improve their physicality, and build their mind-body connection.

The My Back Pain Program tool has helped Bojan many, many times throughout his life to help relieve his back pain again and again, for over 20 years.

Whether the reoccurring pain was due to reinjury, training, playing sports, cold temperature, climbing stairs, driving, sitting for long periods of time, or general day to day life, by performing the eight simple movements in My Back Pain Program, he was able to move freely and without lower back pain and ease his sciatica.

My Back Pain Program is a tool to be used repeatedly, a long-term solution to lower back pain.

Everything Bojan’s achieved in his lifetime is because he NEVER GAVE UP! If he gave up and just accepted his suffering and pain, like millions and millions of people today do, he would have never achieved anything or developed the My Back Pain Program system that can help millions of people feel better, move their body, be able to operate with reduced or no pain, and CHANGE THEIR LIVES!



The program’s eight simple movements, performed in a specific order, provide relief, will relax you, help you build your mind-body connection, and takes about 20 minutes to complete, and only requires a mat, pillow or towel and a resistance band (optional).

We care about you and invite you to try My Back Pain Program today and let our simple system help you experience life without debilitating lower back pain – safely and naturally!

My Back Pain Program is a tool to be used over and over to help you experience relief, build confidence, and feel good!

Staying physically active and regularly stretching may help reduce lower back pain or prevent it from returning. However, when we are in pain, we find it very difficult to stay physically active or stretch.

My Back Pain Program is designed to help us experience lower back pain relief and help us become more physically active and build our CORE without constant pain and feel renewed!

My Back Pain Program is the long-term solution to your years of lower back pain suffering. All you need is a pillow or towel for support under your head, a mat, a chair, and resistance band (optional), approximately 20 minutes, and the will to feel better and stronger than you’ve felt in years. 

By following the programs eight simple and easy movements, with step-by-step guidance, you will be on your way to eliminating your back pain! You will improve your core strength and feel amazing!

If you’re finally ready to stop living with debilitating back pain, click here to BUY and be on your way to experiencing life with reduced or no lower back pain and feel great!

Are you ready to move better, feel stronger, and relieve yourself of lower back pain?

We have three levels of videos with captions and voice guidance for assistance:

Level 1 – Beginneran excellent starting point, move at your own pace, can even be performed from your bed!

Level 2 – Intermediatetake your regained strength to the next level, your body and mind will thank you for it!

Level 3 – Advancedbuild your core and help your lower back pain with maximum intensity!

My Back Pain Program retails for $59.99.

For a limited time, we’re offering the entire program for just $39.99!

If you would like more information about back pain relief, nutrition, coaching or training, please contact us at: [email protected],



If you have any doubts, read our testimonials below from people who experienced many types of back pain issues and problems, starting with Bojan’s first and best testimonial!

Ian Hart’s story:

I’ll never forget the day my back pain started…

I was only 15 years old and was playing basketball when I took a nasty fall and injured my spine. Actually, I broke a small bone on one of my vertebrae.

From that point on, back pain was a constant part of my life. In an effort to find relief for my pain, I tried just about every available therapy and treatment there is.

I drew the line at surgery.

The best I could get was relief that was temporary. If the treatments stopped, the pain returned. Temporary relief simply wasn’t enough.

And then I met the person that would forever change the course of my life. It is because of this person that my back pain ended… almost like he was magic.

I met a very highly skilled trainer from the Eastern European country of Serbia. His name is Bojan Mladenovic.

One day, Bojan saw me hobbling around the gym and asked me what was wrong. I told him the same story I just told you about my back pain. After a few questions, he finally said in his best broken English, “I have beautiful program to fix back pain and prevent it from happening again…”

That’s when he pulled me to the side and showed me his entire system for back pain relief.

I went home and did the program on my own. In one session, my back pain was gone.

Let me repeat that…

A single session using Bojan’s system did for me what years and years of treatments and thousands of dollars could not do.

How miraculous is it that Bojan met his first client in the United States who believed in the eight-step program so much that he became the co-creator of the program!

Read on…

I had an injury through working out. I pulled the muscle and then about week later I pulled it again really made a severe muscle spasm injury. I could not move. So, I could hardly walk, and we called and canceled my workout session and Bojan said, “come in”.

I came in and when I walked in, I had to have my wife help me walk, and through the program we were able to leave in about an hour later… I was walking and moving and jumping and so it was very effective. I would not say I was a hundred percent pain free, but I could move at that point. It took a few days for muscle spasm to go down, the inflammation go down and it definitely helped. Last time, I felt that I was definitely heading for surgery, so much so that I even scheduled and had completed an MRI.

So, through the program I’ve been able to stretch, it helped relax everything and like I said, in about an hour I was able to move, where’s walking in the door I couldn’t. I’m still doing the exercise program and trying to keep fluid; it’s something always have to maintain from the standpoint that I’m always susceptible to re-injury.

-Tristan G

I suffer from back pain from time to time, like 80-100% of Americans. My back has also been sore for the past week. I get body work done weekly and I even got a chiropractic adjustment this Friday, but neither of these treatments helped this time. When I got home, I ate dinner and ran your program one more time.

By taking less rest in between sets than you and Bojan had demoed in the 17-minute video workout, I managed to complete all of the exercises in a quick 15 minutes. Now, my back feels 90% as good as it normally would in its most healthy state. Very worthy investment from both a client perspective, as well as a personal trainer’s perspective. I know that your program will offer tons of value for my clients and myself for year to come 😉


I’m always hunched over, leaned towards one side and always have stiffness, particularly stiffness between my shoulders and a stiff neck and also lower back pain. But… it wasn’t excruciating pain, but it definitely lowered the quality of life. I was hunched over quite a bit. And I noticed that if I would be walking by a window, like a store window, and I looked in, I could see that I was hunched over like an old man.

I looked about 20 years older I would say. I would try massages, chiropractic visits, and they would all give you some relief, but for the most part, it was only temporary… If I didn’t go all the time, after another week or two, the tightness between my shoulders would come back, and I’d start drooping over again. So it was temporary relief, but nothing permanent. I started slow and it was probably, I would say within 4 or 5 sessions that I really started feeling much better.

Anybody that’s having chronic issues because you don’t have to live with it. I would have just accepted that I was gonna have to be that way for the rest of my life. Now I’ve found that there is relief, and you don’t have to accept having chronic pain for the rest of your life.

-Dr. Bill

I had back pain for 20 years. I tried lots of different things and nothing seemed to work. My back feels great and I don’t feel it at all. I feel stronger and I feel better, no pain. I would definitely recommend this training to everyone: young people, middle-aged people, old people. It works and works for everybody. It’s easy, it’s fun and obviously a lot results.”

-David L.

Since I’ve come to this program, I don’t take any drugs, I’m off all medications, I don’t have to go to therapy anymore. I’m more active, I could actually do things, I’m walking again. Before I couldn’t walk; it was painful to walk! Within six weeks, it’s been incredible. In six weeks time with this program, I’ve done more than in nine months going to different specialists.

The program is great for any age, I think, no matter what physical level. And I think no matter what stage of life you’re at, I think the program is great, just to get you out of it, you know, get rid of the pain. One year later after using the program, I have been able to do anything that I wanted to do with my kids.


Specifically…after a while of riding in a car I had back and neck problems. And lifting weights and doing yard work my back would always hurt tremendously after doing all that. But since this program, I think it’s straightened
my posture and lifting properly has helped me quite a bit. I don’t have back pains after working out in the yard all day or doing other exercises and that kind of thing.


I had this hip problem and it was a long standing thing and it had been annoying, nothing acute, but it was just something that was just always nagging and so I came and I did the exercises and literally within I would say 5-6 sessions, I already felt better and I noticed that I was standing more evenly and I exercised quite a bit so it just makes my life more comfortable and the fact that they were easy and it was like funny kind of exercises that you would not expect you’d get such a dramatic result from.

The first class that I did I just thought well this does not seem like a whole a lot, I mean it does not seem like I am doing anything differently. But I realized that I did not have much range of motion before, I was really tight on one side, and I really had some strength imbalances. It just made be more aware so that throughout my day.

I just kind of became more aware of how I’m holding my body. I wasn’t addressing the problem and so I just kind of stopped everything and did this for a couple of weeks and already I feel a lot better. But I would recommend it and I think it could help a lot of people. 


I had constant pain going down my legs, I had sciatica, and it was taking over my life. It was terrible. I could not do anything. I was having trouble from getting out of bed.

At the end of doing the workout, in the last exercise, the last rep, all of a sudden like my leg – the pain stops. I couldn’t believe it, it was crazy! I haven’t been able to move my leg freely like that in over eight years since I was having these issues.

What I would say to someone who is skeptical about the Program. I understand that anybody that suffers from back issues, sciatica, whatever the pains are, you’ve probably been through so many different things. So give it a shot. Try it out. It worked for me the very first time and I kept doing it and I still continue to get good results.

-Steve P

This Program Can Work For Absolutely Anyone…I had severe scoliosis in my back… possible surgery… I had 8 tenth of a centimeter movement in L6 or 5 whichever one it was in my lower back which is basically an incapacitating scoliosis and movement of the vertebra… the program corrected a very severe and significant problem and, in the process, minimized the risk of further injury.

If you have a serious back or hip problem, I am very confident in recommending this program as a way to get better regardless of whether you’re planning on having surgery or not; it’s that good. This program can work for absolutely anyone.

Bill Gardner

My back feels better than I’ve ever thought possible and better than since I was 15. Probably 35 years, it hasn’t felt this good or this strong. I can lift my legs up to wash my feet in the shower now, never could use to do that. So, I’ve been athletic all my life, but I always suffer from lower back pain. This has been the best program I have ever found.

What is skeptical of the program? I would say Um… I was not and that is probably because of your presentation. When you laid it out to me it makes sense. I thought about it and that is kind of what I do.

Would I recommend it? I’d recommend it a thousand percent to anybody. The fact is, I’ve already told some people about it who I can see – I know that lower back pain.

– Pastor Jason W

I had sciatica for about 4 months. I’ve been to doctors, I’ve had cortisone shots, I’ve tried everything, and nothing worked. I no longer have sciatica. I had pain that ran from my buttocks all the way through my ankle, and it ran down one leg most of the time and eventually it became both legs.

I had tried so many other things – physical therapy and shots and back specialists, X-rays, MRIs, nothing was giving me relief.

I would highly recommend that you give it a try because it does work and I am a man 77 years old who felt that nothing could help me out. I can play tennis again and do the thing I want to do.

-Jerry P

“It feels like someone got in there and oiled all my joints and they’re moving easily, and I have absolutely no pain now. It’s unbelievable. It’s amazing!

The doctor reported that the bone density in my spine is thicker – bigger – and I no longer have osteoporosis in my spine, now it’s osteopenia, which is better bone density… You really have to try this program.”


I am a professional model and fitness competitor therefore daily grueling training and travels around the world are a big part of my career, which puts a lot of stress on my back.

This program is very easy to follow and, most importantly, you can do it anywhere.

I follow it for a couple of months now and it strengthened my back muscles significantly, helping me to breeze through prolonged photo shoots, flights to Australia or Europe and keep my posture in excellent form.

– Natalia Muntean

Say, after the second session in the program, I experienced dramatic results, the pain was almost nonexistent anymore…

Given what I was paying on chiropractors, I probably, if I had to put a number, I would probably spend about 500 dollars on it. Even in the time when I was in most pain, I probably would’ve just written a check for whatever I could.

I would definitely pay, whatever I needed to pay to go through the program and have the experience that I’m having… you’ll see results immediately, I would 100% recommended it to anybody else who is suffering from back pain.


“I’ve had a weakness in my lower back for about 40 years really, and during that time I tried chiropractic, massage, and physical therapy.

Nothing really made the problem manageable. It’s always been something in the back of my mind that I have to be careful not to injure my back. After every session, I could feel my back getting better.

And now, it just feels better than it’s been since I was 20 years old which to me is really amazing, so I’m really, really grateful. I’ve been using this program for the last 8 weeks and my back feels better than it has since I was 20. I would highly recommend that no matter what age you are if you have a problem with your lower back, try this program.”


For a living I do physical therapy for the Navel hospital. I see patients every 20 minutes all day long. On an average day, I would see 17 patients and picking up patients, lifting, turning, twisting, teaching them exercises; setting up their exercises on weight machines, teaching them how to run…I’m just trying to get back to their daily life which requires me to be very active in my profession.

Basically [I was in] extreme pain- unable to get to work on time, unable to get through the day without having to take Advil or Flexeril…

I’ve been doing the program for 3 weeks and I’ve had pain in my back for 10 years, with excruciating about 4 months ago. My back is a lot better. I rarely have to take any Advil. I haven’t taken any muscle relaxers in weeks. I feel more energy; I feel like I can move and just function in my daily life better. And I feel like I’m wanting to get out and outdoors again, that require more energy and more movements.


My back pain is virtually gone allowing me to do my everyday activities including tennis, walking, fishing, and just about everything I used to do before I had back problems. I was out fishing on Broad River and found that I was able to stand for three to four hours fishing off the back of the boat without having any severe back pain.

I am able to do the activities that I had to give up. I was unable to stand without back pain for more than about 20 minutes. Now I can stand for hours without it bothering me. My sleep is dramatically improved. My level of fitness has improved. My energy has improved. I just generally feel better than I have in years and years. Absolutely. I would recommend this program to anyone of any age, of any fitness level.


I was fearful that I might injure myself. And, you know to be incapacitated to a point where I can’t even do my desk job. And I was nervous about that after so many years of relative inactivity. I’ve been doing this, not even for a month yet, three times a week.

And I would say the improvement in my flexibility and my back has been 90 percent. Instead of getting up every morning out of bed being stiff and sore and inflexible for a half hour or so. I barely notice it when I get up. Give it a try; it certainly beats some for the alternatives, for the people taking surgery or other alternatives.


After just one session with Back Pain Relief4Life, I felt better than I did with 2 months of physical therapy that I went through for my back. This is my 3rd session and I have no pain! No Pain. It’s so nice to be able to put my pants on in the morning and not have to catch my leg and help … myself get dressed.

I would recommend the program to anybody that has any type of lower back pain or anything like that. Yes, most definitely.


Before the Back Pain Program, I had pretty much constant lower back pain. There was a lot of discomfort; it hurt to bend over and what not; but after 2 sessions in the Back Pain Program, my back completely feels 100% better.

After the 1st session it was 60% better and after the 2nd session, it just doesn’t hurt at all. I’m absolutely amazed. better. I was kind of grumpy because it hurt to move around, and now I just have complete mobility and it doesn’t hurt to bend over, and I don’t have to always shift.

I was amazed at the way that it worked. I was a little skeptical – yeah, that it would be able to just fix it and it just seems to have absolutely fixed it. I was absolutely amazed… yeah. I’m a believer now. Absolutely. I’d recommend the program.


Hi I’m Christy Levitt. My life was filled with episodes where I would do something strenuous and injure my lower back. I have 2 little children and in chasing them and keeping up with them, I forget that I have to lift things the proper way and I bend over and throw out my lower back. And it takes me out of commission for a couple of days and I can’t to my regular routines.

After a session, I felt immediate relief of the tension that I had in my back… the cramping… the walking with my rear end sticking out… instantly, I felt relief from all of that. The stretching, learning how to move my legs, really just made a great difference. When I stood up from doing the exercises, I felt lighter on my feet… more relaxed – it was an amazing program. After the second session, I felt like I was even better at doing the movements and it was something that I could continue to do.

This worked way better for me than the time when I saw a chiropractor and just felt like I didn’t really get anything out of that. Other times in my life I’d try to go and have massages when my back felt sore and a massage feels great but it didn’t really get to the root of the back issues. So I’m very happy with this program and I want to continue to do it and I think it’s going to be really successful in getting rid of the back pain I’ve had.


At this point, it’s time to decide. Do you take what you’ve learned today and think, this is too good to be true? Or do you take that first step towards a new journey, one of serious back pain relief?

Despite what you’re led to believe by the medical establishment…

And despite what you’re led to believe by health professionals…

The solution to your pain does not have to be hard or complicated. 

My Back Pain Program is the simplest and most effective solution for natural back pain relief that has ever been created.

But in the end, the decision is yours.

You are the only person with the power to relieve your back pain. 

My Back Pain Program can help you find relief, but you must take ACTION!

Our entire program is 100% online, you can use it in the comfort of your own home, while traveling, on vacation, or anywhere!

That means you can get started just a few minutes from now as soon as your order is processed!

Copyright © 2023 My Back Pain Program.